Monday, March 9, 2009

Ratchet and Clank bringing joy to the PS3

So this game has been out for a while now, it was launched with the ps3, but yet it still look simply amazing. Ratchet and Clank future tools of destruction is what I like to call a platformer where you get to blow everything up. Ratchet and Clank succeeds as an excellent platformer because it has a face pace fun game play mixed with exploration or a beautiful world and an interesting story line. Ratchet and Clank does a great job of explaining game play mechanics as you play the game. There is no training mission or long pages of text you have to read just cleaver game design. Also Ratchet and Clank immediately throws you in the action making the first level not just a task but an exciting experience. So as the title states this Ratchet and Clank is all about what cool weapons you can use. All the weapons in the game are different and fun to use, definitely the disco ball and transformer are on the top of the list. Ratchet and Clank may look all futuristic in HD but Insomniac has done a great job of staying true to the Ratchet and Clank style and humor. It is this style of humor that really puts the whole master piece together. The only flaw in the game (note im being super picky and it is a personal opinion) is that it was clear that Ratchet and Clank went out of the way to show off the Ps3 six axis motion control that personally felt a little clumsy. However if I was Insomniac I would have done the same as they got a good setup with Sony and should stick to it.

Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts: new tools not so good

I remember Banjo-Kazooie being and entertaining platformer that had the interesting game mechanic of you both Banjo the Bear and Kazooie the Bird. Unfortunately Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts breaks away from that past game mechanic. Banjo-Kazooie first major flaw is the very very long narrative introduction to the game. For the first 30 mins. of the game you have piratically no control of your character and are forced to listen to a very sub par story line. Banjo-Kazooie simply has to much game time when your reading text or listening to pointless dialogue opposed to actually playing the game. Banjo-Kazooie also changes the main game play removing pretty much all of Kazooie's moves and adds a vehicle game mechanic. There is potential for the vehicle game mechanic as building your own forms of transportation can be fun and the ability to share vehicle blue prints online adds to a community. However all and all the Banjo-Kazooie environment and humor is drowned out by a slow pace game that is simply not that entertaining.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Dont Water Down Wii Games!!!!!

So I am a big fan of the Wii and its innovation to the gaming world so when I heard this game uses the Wii fit board as a control I was all in. So overall Shaun White Snowboarding Road Trip was a fun game but not a great game. The controls worked well and it was fun to use the Wii fit balancing board to make it feel like your really snowboarding. The games art style and story did its work for the game but is not at all anything special. The main flaw in this game it that it just gets redundant really fast. Since your most likely only going to have one Wii Fit Board multiplayer is limited and really there is little player to player interaction (you cant directly effect the other person). The tricks are also realistic but personally I prefer the classic tony hawk games where you can grind everything and unrealistic but freaking awesome combos. Shaun White falls under the category that more realistic does not equal more fun. Also as you wonder about the title of this blog by now, So I saw my friend playing this cool snowboarding game and I asked what it was. To my surprise it was Shaun White Snowboarding. I will not to begin to rant on how watering down good games to make Wii games out of them is a crime to gaming humanity, but instead say get Shaun White Snowboarding for Xbox 360 and have a lot more fun.